Create and independently operate NFT stores free-of-charge. Change domain names, make infinite NFTs, and allow multiple store admins and sellers for effortless management.
Manage your unique NFT stores, projects, and items at a fraction of the cost. No technology backgroud required.
Sign up and log in with an existing Google account or WalletConnect. WalletConnect links virtual assets purchased on DIGIGOOZ to the GURUFIN Wallet.
DIGIGOOZ offers one of the lowest gas fees $0.000032, unlike most platforms.
Businesses Sell NFTs to Consumers
Partner with DIGIGOOZ to operate your store, provided free of charge.
Mint and sell your NFTs at a low price using our platform service.
Buy and Trade NFTs
Anyone and everyone can participate. Login with an Existing Google account or WalletConnect then purchase NFTs via credit card, carrier billing, and MU.
Create and independently operate NFT stores free-of-charge. Change domain names, make infinite NFTs, and allow multiple store admins for effortless management.
DIGIGOOZ supports 2D images, but allows users to go beyond, with 3D and video files.
DIGIGOOZ minting and gas fees are some of the lowest in the market. NFTs can easily be purchased using credit card,carrier billing, and stable coins.
NFTs can be interactive and useable with integrated dApps. Exchange digital for physical goods in the real economy.
Make, Sell, Trade Your NFTs.
Simple, Fast & Super Easy.
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